Dietary supplement usage by at-risk populations could lead to billions in savings of U.S. healthcare costs, says new report

Dietary supplement usage by at-risk populations could lead to billions in savings of U.S. healthcare costs, says new report

Dietary supplement usage by at-risk populations could lead to billions in savings of U.S. healthcare costs, says new report

Well, herbalists would agree with this conclusion wholeheartedly. I’m sure there are methodological limitations to this study but the core principle is solid: better nutrition (food and supplements) will reduce the burden of chronic disease both financially and in terms of suffering. The pharmaceutical model of health care fails drastically when it comes to addressing chronic disease (the proof is in the name chronic) and the cost of often ineffectiveness medications taken for decades that do even if they do have some effect rarely alter the disease process is also dramatic. The limitations of the pharmaceutical model is illustrated by the financial costs of the impact of chronic disease under the status quo. So….why aren’t insurance companies and medical institutions encouraging a lifestyle, nutritional, and natural supplement and herb approach????

About owenokie

I'm a Clinical Herbalist, Wilderness Therapist and HeartMath Provider living in Scotland and am also studying Buddhist Psychotherapy.
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